
SMI has launched a new group to support early career professionals in the maritime industry.

WhatsApp Image 2023-03-21 at 17.54.06.jpegThe group is aimed at future maritime leaders that can learn from and input into Council and Board activity. In order to build their industry connections and confidence, as well as, bringing a younger and likely more diverse audience into SMI activities and the wider industry. SMI wants to support the development of young professionals within the maritime industry and encourage retention of skilled professionals. The group will be made up of the SMIFutures Board who will run the activities and then a wider SMIFutures group who are invited to the events and activities.  

The proposed activities/outputs for the group include:

  • Shadow board
         - The SMIFutures Board will be able to input into actions, provide diversity of thought and assist with reviewing documents. The would have their own meetings prior to the board meetings to discuss any relevant items on the agenda and then report back.NSO Engagement.jpg
  • Input into relevant council meetings
         - Members of the group will be able to attend the relevant sector council meetings (potentially virtually) and assist with council workplans. 
  • Annual group event 
         - There will be an annual event arranged by the SMIFutures Board for networking and sector insights which will be a good opportunity for engagement with forward looking young professionals.     
  • Networking/social events at big exhibitions (sector relevant)
         - As well as the specific annual event the SMIFutures Board can organize supplementary sector specific events alongside the big exhibitions. For example, Ocean Business (Southampton), Oceanology International (London), Seawork (Southampton) with the possibility of events at the European shows in the future (SMM, Nor Shipping etc.).
  • Skills seminars/webinars
         - The SMIFutures Board can look at organising skills sessions. Suggestions include professional development skills (public speaking, leadership skills etc.) and industry topics of interest.
  • Help with Maritime UK diversity work (via SMI)
         - SMI is involved with MUK diversity programs and this group will be a valuable resource to attend these meetings and working groups.
  • Mentoring
         - Once the group is established there may be opportunities for group members to have industry sponsors from the SMI Board and Councils. This would enable further links between SMI member companies and professional development for the individuals. 

    Join our new LinkedIn Group!

    To view a list of the current SMIFutures members click here.

    If you have any queries, please contact us here.

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